We joined the MBNA member in May 2016

Membership in the MBNA gives you access to a  portfolio of

benefits that will help our business operate more effectively

and efficiently.  Furthermore, MBNA membership is a symbol

of our company's commitment to the highest excellence in

the memorialization industry.


Monument online mall launched

In order to better serve the North American individual and family customers, we created the online headstone mall, welcome to buy your favorite headstone in the mall.


We will attend the 2017 ICCFA show

Welcome to visit our exhibition. We are glad to talk our further

cooperation face to face.

This is good chance to know each other.

You can check our monument's quality by yourself.


We will continue to use the new technology

We in 2008 the introduction of Italy laser digital ceramic decal printing technology and processing equipment, can ensure high temperature ceramic color image of printing quality, image is clear, bright colors.